BlueHalo’s Laser Communications Systems Division specializes in high data rate communications via optical (laser) links offering solutions providing 100 to 1,000x increased bandwidth over RF communications systems with low-probability of intercept/detection. Their system technology includes advanced stabilization platforms, real-time controls algorithms and firmware, athermal optical designs, and unique isolation subsystems.
BlueHalo reports that it has delivered 16 space-qualified GEO laser communications stable platform units to a government customer and two space qualified stable platforms to NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) program.
BlueHalo offers its Laser communications Cross Link (LCXL) product as well as its CubeSat Laser Communications system. [1]
BlueHalo also reports that it delivered two laser communications gimbals to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory to be integrated into laser communication optical terminals to be flown on the International Space Station and on the fist manned mission to the moon for the Orion Program. [2]
Air Force Research Laboratory Contract
In June of 2022 BlueHalo announced that it was awarded a contract by the Air Force Research Laboratory to deliver a pair of space optical laser communications terminals and an optical ground station. The pair of space-based terminals will demonstrate optical intersatellite communications between GEO and LEO satellites as well as direct communications to the ground based optical communications terminal. The demonstration is expected to be completed by February 2025. [3]