Koganei OGS
The Koganei optical ground station (OGS) in Koganei, Japan, is a NICT-operated optical ground station that was constructed to be the primary base for the SOTA experiment. [1] [2] The main telescope is a Cassegrain reflective telescope with a 1-meter aperture. It uses Coude, Nasmyth, and Cassegrain focus and can easily swap between the three by changing the light path with flat mirrors. The Coude focusing path does not have any focusing effects due to the nature of the pulsed, high power laser light it is receiving; it is an entirely collimated geometric system.
The Koganei OGS can track LEO satellites with an accuracy less than 10 arcsec. The telescope covers an angle of 270 degrees in azimuth and 10 to 88 degrees in elevation. It is designed to observe light at 1550nm for downlink, transmit at 1064nm for uplink, and operate at 532nm for satellite ranging experiments.
Related Links
Paper: NICT’s New OGS Construction for the SOTA/SOCRATES Experiment