Glenn Research Center
The NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) is one of ten major NASA field sites with a stated purpose to advance technology in NASA’s aeronautics and space missions. Glenn Research Center is based in Cleveland, Ohio. [1] Pictured below is a flowchart of GRC’s directives.
Projects and Programs
Glenn Research Center has key mission directives in many fields. One of GRC’s primary projects is developing deep space exploration systems for future human use. Some other prominent projects GRC supports is the universal stage adapter for the Space Launch System rocket, the Orion spacecraft’s European Service Module (ESM), and the power and propulsion element for the proposed Deep Space Gateway. The GRC also researches spacecraft power systems and fire safety.
GRC’s advances in low-Earth orbit and space flight operations management include several R&D projects on the ISS and on Earth. Glenn Research Center heads experiments in fluid mechanics, combustion science, and microgravity transport phenomenon, all of which are performed on the ISS. The GRC leads research in the electrical power system of the ISS (including lithium-ion battery development) and the utilization of advanced communications technology. One such example is the SCaN Testbed, which has already been integrated into the ISS.
Glenn Research Center contributes to the Human Research Program, leads technology development for cryogenic fluids transfer, storage, and propulsion analysis for various space systems, and manages and develops kilowatt-class nuclear power systems for space application. NASA Glenn leads the Space Technology Research Grants (STRG) program and reviews, evaluates, and rewards more SBIR grants than any other NASA center. Other programs that the research center nurtures is NASA’s Technology Transfer Program, Innovative Advanced Concepts, and the Center Innovation Fund.
Glenn Research Center manages the Radioisotope Power Systems Program and the Department of Energy’s production of fuel for NASA space missions. GRC develops NASA-wide strategies for nuclear power and propulsion, solar electric propulsion thrusters, and mission concepts to visit distant planets like Venus and Mars. The research center supports the Long-Life In-Situ Solar System Explorer, Planetary Science program development, and the testing and categorizing of harmful algal blooms on Lake Erie using hyperspectral sensing.
Related Links
Report: Glenn Research Center Projects: Fiscal Year Economic Impact (2018)
Report: NASA Glenn Research Center Strategic Action Plan
Video: NASA Glenn Research Center Integrated Radio and Optical Communications (iROC) Project