Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) is NASA’s Program Office for space communications activities. [1] SCaN has helped support over 100 missions which include tasks such as Earth observation, observing the effect of the Sun’s influence on the Earth, and studying the Moon, the other planets in our solar system, or even the origins of the universe. [2]
On Wednesday, June 12, 2017, SCaN hosted the Commercial Laser Communications Interoperability and Regulatory Workshop at NASA Headquarters to provide a forum for the U.S. commercial FSO communication community to explore common standards to facilitate interoperability between systems.
The Workshop Presentations Included:
Commercial Laser Communications Interoperability and Regulatory Workshop, Don Cornwell, Director Advanced Communications and Navigation Technologies, NASA SCaN HQ [3]
SCaN Next Generation Communications Capabilities: A Beacon of Light into NASA’s Future, Badri Younes, Deputy Associate Administrator, NASA SCaN HQ [4]
NASA’s Optical Communications Program for 2017 and Beyond, Don Cornwell, Director Advanced Communications and Navigation Technologies, NASA SCaN HQ [5]
International Interoperability Standards Development for Space Optical Communications, Bernard L. Edwards, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Optical Comm Working Group Chair [6]
Considerations for free-space optical communications (FSOC) Interoperability, Curt Schieler, MIT Lincoln Laboratory [7]
Regulatory Considerations: Laser Safety and the Emerging Technology of Laser Communication, Robert Lafon, NASA GSFC Janut Wu, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Bernard L. Edwards, NASA GSFC [8]
Related Links
NASA Slides: SCaN Next Generation Communications Capabilities
NASA: SCaN Optical Communications