CableFree is a United Kingdom telecommunications company that specializes in the commercial deployment of free space optics (FSO) products to various industries. CableFree has products both in the UK as well as in other regions around the world including Latin America, North America, Oceania, Middle East, Asia, and Europe. [1]
CableFree has an OFCOM license which allows them to work exclusively in the 4GHz to 42GHz spectrum, which is a regulated and secured spectrum by the UK government. With their licensed microwave link, CableFree can ensure their customers a secure and stable wireless communication reliability of 99% uptime with no interference. [2] [3]
CableFree’s product line includes outdoor stationery microwave and optical terminals as well as in-home wifi units. Their product line has high-performance wireless connectivity with capacities up to 10Gbps. [4]