ViaLight Communictions
ViaLight Communications is a company that specializes in laser communication solutions for data transmission between flight platforms and optical ground stations (OGS). Flight platforms include unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), aircraft, and high altitude platforms (HAPs). This technology is useful as many flight platform manufacturers experience a bottleneck when communicating between platforms in real-time.
ViaLight was founded in May 2009 by three (former) Members of the “Optical Communications Group” of German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Communications and Navigation. ViaLight and DLR together spent more than 15 years researching laser terminal development for aeronautical applications. Two terminal generations have been successfully demonstrated on stratospheric platforms and aircraft. The terminals are small, light-weight with low power consumption designed specifically for flight platforms. [1][2]
Related Links
NASA: ViaLight Laser Communication Workshop
Satellite Today: ViaLight to Develop Laser Terminals for AWN IFC Network